Traffic Management

The Traffic Management group meets on a quarterly basis to discuss any issues concerning the parish.  This meeting is attended by parish councillors, parishioners and Nick Colton DCC Neighbourhood Highways Officer.  If you have any issues you wish to raise please send any details to the Clerk.

 The A379 is inspected by DCC monthly and any pothole that meet the criteria for a defect are repaired.

DCC Highway Safety Policy
Interactive Public Information Portal Map of Devon's Highway Network including Class and Inspection frequency
Maintaining Roads

Devon Highways Public Information Portal Help

Find out about possible delays due to roadworks in Devon via an interactive map.

The map includes:
  • Expected timescales for present roadworks
  • Expected timescales for future roadworks. Information on proposed activities is subject to change
  • Details of completed roadworks undertaken within the last 3 months
  • Who is doing the work, for example a utility company or Devon County Council.



Devon County Council Highways Newsletter
DCC Highways Newsletter - severe weather January 2023
DCC Highways Newsletter Winter 2022
DCC Highways Newsletter Spring 2022
DCC Highways Newsletter Winter 2021
DCC Highways Newsletter Winter 2020
DCC Highways Newsletter Winter 2019

VAS - Vehicle Activated Sign

The Parish Council purchased its own VAS in June 2018 and has since monitored the speed of traffic through the village and lanes.The data and statistics are regularly reported to the local Police and the Parish Council. An overall reduction in speed has been noted.

The Road Warden for the Council manages the VAS, data and statistics and reports any traffic offences e.g. parking on pavement next to zebra crossing so that these road safety issues can be dealt with by the Police in a timely way.

Community Speedwatch

 Community Speedwatch (CSW) is a national initiative where parishioners volunteer with the support of the Police to monitor the speeds of vehicles using speed detection devices.

Local volunteers, trained and supported by the Neighbourhood Policing Team worked with the PCSO, started our Community Speed Watch following discussions at the traffic meetings to improve the safety and quality of life for everyone in the community. The results of this initiative are reported to the Parish Council via the Traffic meetings and at monthly Parish Council meetings

Speeding continues to be a concern for many communities both urban and rural and the main A379 through Brixton village is no different.

Since the first lockdown in March 2020 the Police have suspended Speedwatch. However, further volunteers have been recruited and trained during 2020.

Devon and Cornwall Police Speed Watch
Traffic FAQ's

To find out more about volunteering for Speedwatch in Brixton please contact


Brixton Parish Council held a consultation in October to gauge thoughts and ideas from parishioners on how parking around The Green and on the pavements in the village might be resolved.  

A working group is in the process of being set up to take forward contributions and establish a plan which will be subject to a full community consultation at a future date.

Temporary Traffic Restrictions

Tuesday 3rd January 2023 - Tuesday 2nd July 2024

Road past Higher Sherford to Wollaton Cross ZC4, Brixton 

This road closure has been extended until 31st July 2024

Road past Higher Sherford to Wollaton Cross, Brixton - Extension 

Temporary safety measure introduced to protect Brixton Road Station Bridge on on A 379 near Rodgers Garage

Temporary Traffic Notification  - 3rd April - 3rd July 2024 
These works have been extended due to unforeseen circumstances
Revised anticipated end date is 3rd July 2025 - this differs from the date on the order above due to it being valid for 18 months.

There will be a further road closure in the 'Brixton Dip'
Temporary Traffic Notification - 4th July - 8th July 09:30 - 15:30 

Letter from Sherford Consortium (19th December 2022)

Stamps Hill / Red Lion road closure