The Parish Council plays an important role as a grassroots level of Local Government. It directly represents and promotes the interests of the community.
The Council consists of nine Councillors who are your unpaid representatives plus a part time employed Clerk who carries out the Council's business and ensures that the many statutory requirements placed upon the Council are met.
The Parish Council meets monthly in either the Brixton Community Room (adjacent to St Mary's School) or Sherford Community Hub, with the June meeting being held in Carrollsland. The meeting location will be rotated and advertised prior to the meeting. Council meetings are held on the last Wednesday of each month at 7.00 pm (avoiding school holidays with no meeting in August and December). The April meeting is normally preceded by the Annual Parish Council Meeting.
Parish Council meetings are held in public and you are welcome to attend and raise any local issues you have during the open forum at the start of the meeting.
To finance the Parish Council, a small levy is made on your Council Tax, called the Precept. The Parish Council adjusts the precept annually once it has set its budget for the year. The Precept figure is then recorded in the Council minutes.
The Parish Clerk produces the agenda which is distributed to all Councillors and affiliated bodies approximately seven days prior to the meeting. Minutes are displayed on the Parish noticeboard along the A379, on this website and in the Brixton Magazine.
The Parish Council promotes the interest of the Parish in relation to all aspects of community life, including: Sherford New Community, Planning & Development, Highways & Road safety, Public Transport, The Environment, River Yealm Water Quality, Youth issues, Recreation Facilities, Health Care, Care in the Community and Parish Footpaths.