
A place for remembrance

It was the fervent wish of the late Chairman, Reg Wilkinson, and the committee of the Brixton and District Branch of the Royal British Legion to give a commemorative bench to Brixton in recognition of the long history of the branch, which had been active since 1927.

Brixton Parish Council was approached by the Branch with an offer of a bench to commemorate that there had been a thriving branch of the Royal British Legion for nearly 100 years, recognising that it had made an important contribution to the life of the village over the years.  Furthermore, the bench provides us with a constant reminder to remember the lives of those who did not return to the village in both world wars. 

The Parish Council has located the seat by the bus stop at the entrance to Elbridge and planters have been added to complete the sense of space around the seat. 



Land at former Cofflete Mill – a future community amenity space

Brixton Parish Council have purchased the parcel of land at the head of Cofflete Creek on the site of the former Cofflete Mill.

Following consultation with parishioners, the aim is to create a community amenity space for the residents of Brixton Parish, through careful consideration of the significant historic and environmental value of this piece of land to the community.  

Cllr Parish has produced an up to date project plan for the land at Cofflete

Updated project plan - September 2022

Project Progress Update - April 2021


Cofflete Creek

Cofflete Creek

Cofflete Creek

Cofflete Creek

Bus Shelter Refurbishment

Brixton Parish Council completed the refurbishment of the 4 bus shelters in the village in 2017, to improve their appearance and effectiveness by replacing the Perspex panels, repainting the framework and providing a seating perch for people waiting for the bus. 

Brixton Parish Council would like to thank The Feoffee Trust and Brixton Composters for their generous contribution towards renovating these important community facilities

Before refurbishment
Bus Shelter


After refurbishment  
Bus Shelter1

After refurbishment
Bus Shelter1
Before refurbishment
Bus Shelter1


After refurbishmentBus Shelter1

Phone Box Renovation

Brixton Parish Council purchased 2 BT telephone kiosks in 2017, for a nominal price of  £1. 

The kiosks on The Green and in Fordbrook were renovated by parish councillors and parishioners and both now house defibrillators.

Before Renovation
Phone Box Prior to Renovation

During Renovation
Phone Box Mid Way During Renovation

Renovation Completed
Phone Box with Completed Renovation


Completed Kiosk with Defibrillator Front View

Completed Kiosk with Defibrillator Side View